Dr. Brian Davison

The Vanishing Vein

Insurance Information

Dr. Brian Davison and the rest of the team at The Vanishing Vein are proud to provide vein treatments and other cosmetic procedures to patients throughout Framingham, Boston, Newton, Worcester, Cambridge, Lowell and Quincy, MA.

Accepted Insurances:
Due to the millions of health plans that are available, we ask that you clearly understand the following: We are in-network with the following providers, but this will not guarantee that we are in-network with your specific insurance policy. It is your responsibility to contact you insurance provider and confirm that we are an authorized provider for your specific policy.

BCBS (policies vary from state to state and with secondary insurance company)

Harvard Pilgrim




United Health Care

Fallon Community

Fallon Select (if we are in your network)

Cigna (if we are in your network)


GIC (all policies)

MA Health Standard

Neighborhood Health

(WE DO NOT ACCEPT Network Health, Commonwealth Care, or any MA Health emergency care or restricted plans)

Please understand that this is a general list subject to change and that it is the patient’s responsibility to confirm that we are in network with and are capable of providing specialty services to your specific policy. It is the patient’s responsibility to request a faxed referral to the specialty, if required by your policy. In general, all HMO policies DO require a referral, and PPO policies DO NOT.

To request a referral:

  • Ask for at least three office visits
  • To see: Dr Brian Davison
  • 61 Lincoln St., Suite 115, Framingham, MA 01702
  • Phone: 508-626-8346
  • NPI 1891767018
  • For: varicose vein evaluation and treatment
  • FAX THE REFERRAL TO 508.626.8343, ATTN: Referral Department